Mini-Workshop on “OS/Middleware”

  • Venue:


  • Date:

    March 14-15, 2011

  • Program Chair:

    Rolf Ernst,
    Hermann Härtig

  • The 1st OS/Middleware Mini-Workshop within SPP1500 was run by the TU Dresden Operating Systems
    Group (Project ASTEROID) on March 14th and 15 th 2011 in Dresden. Set up close after the
    SPP1500 kickoff meeting, the workshop’s goal was to get the software-related projects within SPP
    1500 acquainted with each other and their plans.

    Notable results:

    • The Fiasco.OC microkernel used in the ASTEROID project my be of interest for other projects (FEHLER, VirTherm3D).
    • ARM and SPARC/Leon3 are most likely to be the platforms chosen for the projects.
    • The DanceOS project is working on fault injection experimentation infrastructure that migh be used by other projects as well.
  • Place:

    Dresden, Germany

  • Year:
